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AY 2024/2025 Sec 3 - Sec 4
1. Measurements & Separation Technique
Please contact 9841 0648 to have access to the lesson worksheets
Lesson 1 (12th Dec 23) - Measurements (115:42)
Lesson 2 (21st Dec 23) - Measurements / Separation Technique (129:32)
Lesson 3 (29th Dec 23) - Separation Technique (123:34)
Lesson 4 (6th Jan 24) - Separation Technique (118:41)
Lesson 5 (13th Jan 24) - Separation Technique (120:22)
2. Kinetic particle Theory
Please contact 9841 0648 to have access to the lesson worksheets
Lesson 1 (20th Jan 24) - KPT (122:40)
Lesson 2 (27th Jan 24) - KPT (115:18)
Lesson 3 (30th Jan 24) - KPT (119:54)
3. Atomic Structure
Please contact 9841 0648 to have access to the lesson worksheets
Lesson 1 (6th Feb) - Atomic Structure (118:42)
Lesson 2 (20th Feb) - Atomic Structure 2 (121:16)
Lesson 3 (27th Feb) - Atomic Structure 3 (112:51)
4. Chemical Bonding
Please contact 9841 0648 to have access to the lesson worksheets
Lesson 1 (5th March) - Chemical Bonding 1 (125:32)
Lesson 2 (12nd March) - Chemical Bonding 2 (111:11)
Lesson 3 (19th March) - Chemical Bonding 3 (122:28)
Lesson 4 (26th March) - Chemical Bonding 4 (126:36)
Lesson 5 (2nd April) - Chemical Bonding 5 (128:39)
5. Chemical Equation
Please contact 9841 0648 to have access to the lesson worksheets
Lesson 1 (129:22)
Lesson 2 (137:58)
6. Acid Base
Please contact 9841 0648 to have access to the lesson worksheets
Lesson 1 (118:27)
Lesson 2 (121:10)
Lesson 3 (116:25)
Lesson 4 (121:20)
Lesson 5 (122:18)
Lesson 6 (124:59)
7. Mole
Please contact 9841 0648 to have access to the lesson worksheets
Lesson 1 (130:45)
Lesson 2 (118:29)
Lesson 3 (130:34)
Lesson 4 (118:02)
Lesson 5 (119:55)
Lesson 6
8. Salts
Please contact 9841 0648 to have access to the lesson worksheets
Lesson 1 (124:59)
Lesson 2 (362:56)
9. QA
Please contact 9841 0648 to have access to the lesson worksheets
Intro QA
QA 1 (118:44)
QA 2 (117:28)
QA 3 (123:36)
QA 4 (121:15)
10. Redox
Please contact 9841 0648 to have access to the lesson worksheets
Redox 1 (104:54)
Redox 2 (128:23)
Redox 3 (124:43)
Redox 4 (121:00)
Energy Change
Please contact 9841 0648 to have access to the lesson worksheets
Lesson 1 (119:46)
Lesson2 (127:22)
Lesson 3 (112:15)
Lesson 4 (117:26)
Metal reactivity
Please contact 9841 0648 to have access to the lesson worksheets
Lesson 1 (138:26)
Lesson 2 (124:20)
Lesson 3
Lesson 4 (119:28)
Lesson 5 (122:26)
Lesson 6
Please contact 9841 0648 to have access to the lesson worksheets
Lesson 1 (124:34)
Lesson 2 (118:40)
Lesson 3 (120:51)
Rate of reaction
Please contact 9841 0648 to have access to the lesson worksheets
Organic Chemistry
Please contact 9841 0648 to have access to the lesson worksheets
Please contact 9841 0648 to have access to the lesson worksheets
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Lesson 2 (27th Jan 24) - KPT
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